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A Special Called Meeting was scheduled for Monday, September 27, 2010 at Waelder City Hall. Those present were Mike Harris, Robert Tovar, Dora Ramirez, Annie Jackson and Becky Ayala. Mayor Roy Tovar did preside.

The meeting was called to order and a quorum was established.

A motion was made by Annie Jackson to approve the second reading and adopt the Building Code Ordinance 0-823-10 and the Building Permit Fee Ordinance 0-823-10.A with a second by Robert Tovar. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

Motion made by Mike Harris, I move on placing a six month moratorium on the requirement for permit fees established by Ordinance 0-823-10.A with a second by Becky Ayala. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

A motion was made by Mike Harris to set the property tax to increase by adopting a tax rate of 0.2508 per $100 valuation. This tax rate will raise more taxes for maintenance and operation than last year’s tax rate with a second by Becky Ayala. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

The Council convened to Executive Session at 7:07 p.m. according to Texas Government Code 551.074; Personnel Matters: Hiring Part-Time Housekeeping

The Council convened to Executive Session at 7:07 p.m. according to Texas Government Code 551.074; Overtime

The Council reconvened to open session at 7:22 p.m.
A motion was made by Mike Harris to hire Dolores Castro as Part-Time Housekeeper at maximum of 31 hours per week with a second by Robert Tovar. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

Motion made by Mike Harris, “I move that the mayor talk to everybody on call and tell them that they can’t have other employment while their on their 10 hour on call time and enforce the policy manual with a second by Becky Ayala. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

A motion was made by Dora Ramirez to adjourn with a second by Robert Tovar. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

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