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A Special Called Meeting was scheduled for Thursday, May 13, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. at Waelder City Hall. Those present were Mike Harris, Robert Tovar, Dora Ramirez, Annie Jackson and Becky Ayala. Mayor Roy Tovar did preside.

The meeting was called to order and a quorum was established.

Council Member Mike Harris canvassed the election returns of the 2010 General Election held on Saturday, May 8, 2010.

A motion was made by Hadnot to approve the payment of the bills with a second by Harris. The vote unanimous and the motion was passed.

Roy Tovar 183
Curtis Hadnot, Jr. 108
The top vote for the two-year was:
Roy Tovar 183
City Council:  
Rocky Quintero 93
Rebecca “Becky” Sykes-Ayala 109
Nino Reyes 61
Sharon “Tinka” Nichols 75
Robert R. Tovar 111
The top two for the new two-year term was:
Robert R. Tovar 111
Rebecca “Becky” Sykes-Ayala 109

The motion to accept the Canvass of the May 8, 2010 City Election was made by Mike Harris with a second by Dora Ramirez. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

The statement of Elected Officers and Oath of Office were administered to: Council/Alderman: Robert R. Tovar and Rebecca “Becky” Sykes-Ayala

A motion was made by Annie Jackson to appoint Dora Ramirez as Mayor Pro-Tem with a second by Becky Ayala. Mayor Tovar mentioned an election recount. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

A motion was made by Mike Harris to appoint Eulogio Melchor as Municipal Court Judge for a two-year term (same term as Mayor), with a second by Tovar. (Abstained: Dora Ramirez) The motion was carried.

A motion was made by Harris to purchase Bullet Proof Vest for the P.D. at a cost of $590 per vest with a second Robert Tovar. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

A motion was made by Robert Tovar to adjourn with a second by Dora Ramirez. The vote was unanimous and the motion was passed.

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